Noggin Bops, my invention

So there I was, experimenting with the set of rudimentary 3D building tools provided in a free account in the online world of SECOND LIFE when I had a eureka moment. I manipulated blocks, curves and cylinders to form the layout of a wind up toy mechanism. It was easy for me, as I have been working as a toy designer for ten years and my brain just works that way.
It turns outthat the second life tools were perfect for sketching ideas in 3D. The camera tool allowed me to get images out of the Game environment and into my computer where I could add measurements and make notes.
Two prototypes later and I had a working toy that I showed to the folks at Cal Creations who loved it!
A month or so later I was driving home in the rain and thinking of the swinging head motion, the noggin motion, the noggin dancer, the noggin bopper- Noggin Bops!
When I told the Second Life people my story they flew me up to Stanford University to be a part of their New Products Expo presentation! That was a fun day !
Now, almost a year later the toys are hitting the market. Cal Creations are telling me that they are getting lots of interest in the toys.. and I am excited! Imagine, An invention that WORKS and that people LIKE!